Choose Course Category BarbadosUnited StatesEastern Caribbean All categoriesSpecial DealsMicrosoft– Microsoft Office–– Microsoft Access–– Microsoft Excel–– Microsoft Outlook–– Microsoft PowerPoint–– Microsoft Publisher–– Microsoft Sharepoint–– Microsoft Word–– Office 365–– MicroLearning–– Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)– Microsoft Visio– Microsoft Power BI– Microsoft Project– Microsoft TeamsBeginner CoursesProductivity Courses– Adobe– AutoCADIT Technical– GroupSessions– Microsoft Cert– Microsoft Certification–– MCSA 2016–– Azure–– Microsoft SQL–– Microsoft Power BI– Microsoft MOC OnDemand– CISCO– CompTIA– Developers– ITIL– Security– VMware– Cloud– AICyberSecurity– ISC2– CompTIA– Mile2Project ManagementSix SigmaAccountancy Qualifications– ACCA–– ACCA Self Study––– ACCA FIA––– ACCA Applied Knowledge––– ACCA Applied Skills––– ACCA Strategic Professional–––– Strategic Professional Options––– Unlimited Bundles–––– Foundation–– ACCA Live OnLine–– ACCA Live Revision–– Classroom Tuition Centre––– Diploma in Financial and Management Accounting (RQF Level 2)––– Diploma in Financial and Management Accounting (RQF Level 3)––– Diploma in Accounting and Business––– Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)––– Knowledge Skills––– Applied Skills––– Strategic Professional––– Revision & Exam Review––– Intensive Block Courses–– CBE Exams– CIMA–– CIMA On Demand––– CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting––– CIMA CGMA Professional Level–––– CGMA Operational Level–––– CGMA Management Level–––– CGMA Strategic Level–––– CGMA Case Study––– CIMA Unlimited– Course by Type–– Full Course–– Revision Course–– CBE Course–– Case Study–– Unlimited/Bundles–– LiveOnline– SKILLS coursesBusiness & Management– The KPI INSTITUTE– Book-keeping & Accounting– Business Analysis– IT Service Management– Leadership, Management & SalesCertifications– Microsoft Certification–– MCSA 2012– ACCAeLearning & OnDemandLearning Methods– BootCamps– After-hours ClassesTake a Test– ACCA CBE Exams– CEBS– The Institutes– Meazure Learning– Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)– Skills Assessments– PSI Online– Pearson VueEvents, Demos & Free StuffAll monthsMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryAll locationsAdvantageCaribbean BarbadosBridgetownLive !OnlineOnlineVirtual Classroom Reset No events to show Powered by